Brian Ma

Brian Ma Profile Photo

Partner at Iterative Capital

Brian is a partner at Iterative Capital and 3x founder turned investor. Brian was previously founder and ceo of Divvy Homes ($2B valuation), Weave (YC S14, acquired), and Decide (Series C company, acquired by Ebay). In non-existent spare time, Brian enjoys dog parks with his german shepherd mix, rides on his motorcycle, and aping into interesting crypto projects.

Iterative is a YC style accelerator focused exclusively on Southeast Asia by the founders of Divvy (a16z, GIC), Weave (YCS14), and Decide (acquired by eBay) who have collectively raised $100M+ in VC. Iterative invests US $150K into early stage startups twice a year then works with them intensely for 3 months culminating in a Demo Day. Founded in 2021, Iterative's mission is to increase the GDP per capita of Southeast Asia through entrepreneurship.

Dec. 23, 2021

Deep Dive: Strategy for VC fund growth and portfolio development with…

In the second episode of our new segment, Deep Dive, I do a detailed discussion with Brian Ma about running a VC fund, something founders are rarely acquainted with. Brian is the founder and managing partner at Iterative Capital, a …

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