Maryanna Saenko

Maryanna Saenko Profile Photo

Co-Founder and Partner at Future Ventures

Maryanna Saenko is an early-stage venture capitalist and cofounder of Future Ventures. She invests in frontier technologies that make the world a better place, and don’t prey on human frailty. Recent investments have been across a wide swath of sectors, including nuclear fusion, sustainable agricultural and land management, bee immunology, women’s reproductive longevity, and the application of AI to everything from the construction industry to medical therapeutics. Previously she was at Khosla Ventures, and prior to that DFJ. She was also an investment partner at Airbus Ventures where she led a series of venture investments strategically aligned with Airbus’ future-of-aerospace initiatives. Before Airbus, Maryanna was a consultant at Lux Research and a research engineer at Cabot Corporation. She’s worked on lunar rovers, martian landers, driverless cars, and long-range low-frequency communication systems.

Maryanna graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a BS in BioMedical Engineering and a BS and MS in Materials Science and Engineering.

Nov. 30, 2023

Understanding Voluntary Carbon Markets with Maryanna Saenko from Future Ventures

In this episode of the Understanding VC podcast, I engage in an enlightening conversation with Maryanna Saenko, the Co-founder and Partner at Future Ventures, about the voluntary carbon markets. We examine the importance and potential of voluntary carbon markets, differentiating it from the complia…
Oct. 10, 2022

UVC: Maryanna Saenko from Future Ventures on investing with an abundance mindset, 3 questions she asks while assessing a deep tech startup and future of food and energy

Understanding VC is a deep dive into how venture capitalists work. In this episode, I speak to Maryanna Saenko, Co-Founder at Future Ventures. We started the conversation by discussing why Future Ventures invests in only technology risk startups, why it’s essential to invest with an abundance minds…